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  V. Schild und Kolben   V. Shield and Club


Hie ist der anfang mit dem schilt und ston in myniem Vortail Gott geb uns glük und haill. – Hie ston Ich nach frenckeschem Rechten.


Here is the beginning with the shield and the stance to my advantage. God give us luck and well-being. – Here I stand in the Frankish manner.


Damit lausz ich mich nit erschrencken. Ich wyl mich mit dem schült bedecken. – Hie ston ich Im wurff.


Therewith allow I am not afraid. I mean to cover myself with my shield. – Here I stand in the hazard.


Hie In diser stund hast du mich gar blosz funden. – Hie hatt er den schilt geschrenckt und schlecht Im nach Sinem hopt.


Here in this stance he has found me completely open. – Here he has interlocked the shields and stikes towards his head.


Der wyl Im den schilt Inschlahen. – So tritt er für und wyl In zu dem hopt schlahen.


This one means to hammer the shield at him. – Thus he steps forth and means to strike at his head.


Ich bin funden blos. Ich fircht es werd mir ain stosz. – Der hatt Im hinder den schilt gebunden.


I have been found in an opening. I fear he might get a thrust at me. – This one binds his shield behind.


Hie macht er mir ain endstosz. – Hie hon ich den gestossen.


Here he makes an end-thrust at me. – Here I have thrust.


Mit mynem Tryt hon ich dich entrist, und schlach gar gewyssz. – Er hatt mir den schilt umbtretten. So wyl Ich werffen.


With my stride I have surprised you, and strike with certainty. – He then steps around my shield. Thus, I mean to throw (the club?).


Hie wyl der den schilt obnen hinyn stossen. – Hie wil Ich Im hinterbinden und umb Sin hertz blos finden.


Here this one means to thrust therein over the shield. – Here I mean to bind him behind and find an opening near his heart.


Hie ist das stuck volbracht wie vor geschriben Stat.


Here the piece is completed just as it was described before.


Hie Triben Sie ainannder umb und sucht yeglicher sinem vortail. – Der hatt den vortail.


Here each one charges around and seeks his advantage. – This one then has the advantage.


Da hatt er Im den Schilt usz der hend geschlagen usz dem anbinden und wyl stossen wa er Im noch blosz finden. – So grifft aber der mit dem Arm und würfft den schilt von Im und hilfft Im hinweg.


In this, he strikes the shield from his hand out of the bind and means to thrust towards him when he finds an opening. – However, thus he grasps with his arm and throws the shield from him and helps him away.


Usz sinem anweg helffen kumpt mir myn stossz herwynder. – Hie bin Ich worden blos des wirt mir ain beser Stossz.


From his helping-away, I thrust here-behind. – Here I present an opening, this earns me a wicked thrust.


Usz dem hinnweghelffen ist das Stuck gantz volbracht.


From the help-away, the whole piece is completed.


Die Bindent aber (ober?) ainannder an.


The bind against each other.


Usz dem anbinden So hatt er In hinderbunden und Stoszt Im mit dem schilt oben durch Sinen schenckel.


From the bind, thus he binds behind him and thrusts at him from above with the shield across his thigh.


Hie statt der In Siner Hutt und wartet des Mans. – So schlecht der den Hacken hinder sinen Schilt und zert hindersich.


Here this one stands in his "Hat" guard and awaits his opponent. – Thus this one then strikes the "Chop" from behind his shield and pulls it behind himself.


Der Zert hindersich wie vor geschriben Statt.


This one pulls it behind himself just as it was described before.


Usz dem hindersich zeren So stoszt er hinwyder den Schilt In den. Und ist das Stuck volbracht.


From the pull behind himself, thus he thrusts behind the shield therein. And the piece is completed.


Hie wurfft er sinen arm uff und übergrifft Im Sin arm und latt den Schilt fallen und Tryt fur und Schlecht Im Sin lincken arm umb Sinen Halsz und wurfft In über die huffen. – Hie kert er den schilt umb und Schlecht geschrenckt dem zu sinem houpt.


Here he throws his arm out and grasps him over his arm and lets the shield lower and steps forth and strikes him about the throat with his left arm and throws him over the hip. – Here he turns his shield around, interlocking them, and strikes at his head.


Hie wirt das Stuck volbracht wie vor geschriben Statt.


Here the piece gets completed just as it was described before.


Der ist ganntz werlosz und wirt geworffen. – Der hatt Sinen schilt swüschen Man und schilt geschlagen und latt den schilt und wyl In werffen.


This one is completely helpless and gets thrown. – This one has his shield between the opponent and the opponent’s shield, strikes and then drops his shield and means to throw him.


Hie ist der Wurff volbracht und Schlecht In dem kolben.


Here the throw is completed and he strikes him with the club.


Der hatt Im sinen Straich versetzt mit dem kilben und über gryfft In mit dem Arm und Schlecht In zu tod. – Da Sint sie komen von den schilten und Schlahent ainander mit den kolben.


This one displaces the blow with his club and grapples him with his arm and stikes him to death. – Here they are come away from their shields and strike each other with their clubs.


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Blank leaf. Barely distinguishable outlines showing a shield fight in all openings.

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